First I was blessed to get three beautiful cockerels and a beautiful white pullet from Bobbi Porto. *I recommend Bobbi she is a great person to talk to, has awesome birds, and is * Second I was able to meet Rick Tucker in person and shadow him judging and even picked up another spectacular pair of Chinese owls... one beautiful cock from Rick Tucker and a beautiful Hen from Dick Holmburg. Once again at new ulm got to visit and meet all the awesome NCOC members and even got to drive home in Minnesota's first fall 2011 snow :)
Its really looking up for my Marans I have some new stock getting shipped in this week and also this last hatch got some exceptional birds! I bred BlueXBlue and got White... But all nice slate grey legs, no mossy feathers, and with some nice feathered legs NICE CHICKS
twitch twitch... scratch that 150 Japanese quail eggs... there are 340 eggs setting oh boy this will be interesting... But I am super excited and awaiting the new arrivals... Also I would like people to message me on what would be good to add onto my site or things they would like to see.

I am Excited for the Itasca show I am bringing Silkies/Marans and my pigeons to 

Peace Out until my next shock
Well yesterday I invested in two incubators since my styrocrap one got to small and to unreliable so I am now capable of hatching 900 eggs :) I doubt I will have that many any time soon but I am happy. I have 36marans eggs 6 silkie eggs and 140 quail eggs due to hatch in September
So with my Pigeons seems like the ones I want to produce are not producing... Ug on the bright side I have some really nice 2011 chicks out of my Giant Hungarians. From my Marans project I have been getting a lot of very promising chicks! Makes me sad the 2011 breeding season is almost over
So I have been struggling to find different Chinese Owl Breeders around the country or ones that are still active in the sport so I decided to start a Chinese Owl Forum! Please Join if you are interested in the Fanciest Of Fancy!
For A while I have been contemplating whether or not to do some experimental breeding's with some extra Fancy's I have. First Experiment...
Tort Giant Hungarian House Pigeon cock X Schmalkalden Moorhead
what will I get? Well I expect to get
-A medium size birds
-Some sort of feathering around head
-Feathered feet
-I expect to get a bird who will be born black and model out into a white or tort not having the recessive trait of color the Mooreheads have.


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