twitch twitch... scratch that 150 Japanese quail eggs... there are 340 eggs setting oh boy this will be interesting... But I am super excited and awaiting the new arrivals... Also I would like people to message me on what would be good to add onto my site or things they would like to see.

I am Excited for the Itasca show I am bringing Silkies/Marans and my pigeons to 

Peace Out until my next shock
Well yesterday I invested in two incubators since my styrocrap one got to small and to unreliable so I am now capable of hatching 900 eggs :) I doubt I will have that many any time soon but I am happy. I have 36marans eggs 6 silkie eggs and 140 quail eggs due to hatch in September
So with my Pigeons seems like the ones I want to produce are not producing... Ug on the bright side I have some really nice 2011 chicks out of my Giant Hungarians. From my Marans project I have been getting a lot of very promising chicks! Makes me sad the 2011 breeding season is almost over

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